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30 Day Challenge, Day 15: Hydration

30 Day Challenge, Day 15: Hydration

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Welcome to my 30-Day Challenge.

DAY 15: 


"You’re not sick; you’re thirsty."

A book that has made a big difference in my life is *Your Body's Many Cries for Water by F. Batmanghelidj. Most folks are dehydrated…And everybody can benefit from at least doubling their water intake.

Try to drink your water away from your food and reach for your water when you’re hungry first. Add some minerals and just look for the miracles to start to happen.

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Recently, I did a 72-hour water fast--no food. It was a journey, man. We did 10 days of only water before, and I lost my butt muscle. I have since found it. Muscle is gold as you age, so keeping muscle on is a priority.

Fasting has many benefits. One of the oldest spiritual practices. All animals stop eating when they are sick. Our kids do as well.

I experienced euphoria, hunger, joy, brief frustration, awareness, gratitude, zen moments, focus, so much free time, great sleeps, a little cold, I missed cooking, less energy, confidence, self-esteem for doing what I said, connection and deep love.

Are you ready to expand your knowledge and upgrade your health? My partner, Kate Austin, and I have a brand new program to help you design a whole new life, step into your purpose, reverse age, reverse disease, and own your power with optimal health. I would love for you to look into it & book a call with our team if you want to know more. 

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Kay Kay
Posted on  15/01/2024 14:11 Paul, I drink water all though the day . It’s just about all I drink. When not so cold out, I will have a Spindrift. Mostly now it’s just water.
Diane C. Poushe
Posted on  15/01/2024 14:48 Just think of the money you could save if you just drank water for a time period.
Vera Lúcia Vieira
Posted on  15/01/2024 16:18 Eu tomo 2 litros de água por dia, aqui no Brasil é muito calor, afinal é um país tropical, muito quente.😳😥😰
Kathy Smith
Posted on  16/01/2024 17:46 Yes I am a firm believer to drink water . I have at least 5 to 6 12 ounce glass throughout the day . And yes when I feel hungry I reach for a glass of water
Jenny Watson
Posted on  20/01/2024 16:38 I drink a gallon a day or more of our clear spring water.
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