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30 Day Challenge, Day 9: The Disciplined Pursuit Of Less

30 Day Challenge, Day 9: The Disciplined Pursuit Of Less

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Welcome to my 30-Day Challenge.

DAY 9: 


It's day 9 of 30, and today is about the disciplined pursuit of less or essentialism. I think we all want to lead a more intentional life. As Greg McKeown says in his book, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, "it's amazing how much we can accomplish when we narrow our focus and eliminate the non-essential."

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What do you think about this? Are you like me sometimes doing 17 things at once? The power to focus may be the most important thing you can work on in your life. Some of the ways that help me are:

  • Breath Work (especially Pyramid Breath with my buddy Johann Urb)
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Sunlight

This book Essentialism* is one my friend Russell Reimer gave me. I love the concept, even when I find it hard to apply. 

Will you commit along with me to narrowing your focus and moving one thing forward in a big way rather than 17 things forward in little ways? Let me know what you think about this idea. How are you at focus? Share this with somebody who could shift focus on the right things. Love ya.

(*affiliate link)

Are you in need of more focus, more love, more juicy tools to live your best life ever? My partner, Kate Austin, and I have been hosting a life-changing series called The Power To Change Wellness Summit over the past 6 weeks, and tomorrow, we are doing our final one. This one is about LONGEVITY: The Elixir of Youth and How to Turn Back Time. You don't want to miss it!

Be sure to stop by January 10 at 11 AM Pacific on YouTube or Facebook. And if you would like to watch our replays of our other six in the series, please click on the link below. 

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1 Comment
Lisa J Tanner
Posted on  09/01/2024 17:50 I have been working on this over the past of months. I do really well for a bit then I let my mind go crazy. It is a process which I am doing better at
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