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"When Calls The Heart"

MEGA Bundle

Limited Offer

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This Mega Bundle includes:

♡ My Original Song "A Place in my Heart" recorded on set in Hope Valley - Video & Audio

♡ Music from Behind the Scenes on set in Hope Valley

Video & Audio (40 minutes)

♡ Music from my Trailer on set in Hope Valley

Video & Audio (115 minutes)

♡ Behind the Scenes with Dr. Carson Sheperd in Hope Valley

Video (15 minutes)

♡ Live Concert on set in Hope Valley

Video & Audio (50 minutes)

♡ Exclusive "When Calls the Heart" digital signed BTS Poster (downloadable png)

♡ Exclusive "When Calls the Heart" digital signed Calendar (downloadable pdf)

♡ Digital signed Paul Greene Headshot (downloadable png)


 Photos by Laurent Levy 

COPYRIGHT ©2024 | Greene Acre Media | All Rights Reserved

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